American Catholic Truth Society

Always be prepared to give an answer.
1 Peter 3:15

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Other Articles Available on/through ACTS

Sola Fide - Is It Really Alone?

Was St. Augustine a Catholic?

Sola Scriptura Refuted at the Sources
By Scott Windsor

Answering Sola Scriptura
(A Collection of Articles Soundly Refuting the concept of Sola Scriptura).

Roma Locuta Est, Causa Finita Est
Did St. Augustine Say That?

By Scott Windsor
(A response to David King and Eric Svendsen)

Upon This (Not So) Slippery Rock
By Chris Muha
OP/Moderator on #CathApol Chatroom
Refuting Eric Svendsen

Spouse of the Spirit
By Chris Muha
OP/Moderator on #CathApol Chatroom

Sola Scriptura
(Transcript of a speech by Kevin Tierney)

The Church of the New Testament
An article by Dr. Tim Wells,
op/moderator for the #CathApol Chatroom.

"Reformers" on Infant Baptism
A Compilation by Kara Lynn Teresa Turton

"Reformers" on Mary
A Compilation by Kara Lynn Teresa Turton

Challenge to Non-Catholics

Early Church Teaching on the Eucharist

Eucharistic Adoration

Email List discussion on Eucharist


Fasting on ALL Fridays and Lent

Patty Bonds Conversion Story
(James White's sister)
(This is an outside link)

Scott's Comments Shortly After 9/11/2001 Attacks

Why God Came as Man

Seasonal Articles:


From St. Nicholas to Santa Claus


Fasting and Lent
(and beyond)

All Hallowed Eve / Halloween

A Catholic View of "Halloween"

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