Jerry’s answer to Question #3

My opponent provides no documented evidence(the evidence from this period is far from being "sparse") that the Patriarch of Constantinople, John II[517-520], "objected" to the Formula or "re-wrote" anything. The Papal legates reported that he signed the Formula with the "utmost devotion." Rather than just merely signing the Formula like all others had done John II sought to submit the Formula to Pope Hormisdas in the form of a letter. John II included a preface and ending to the Formula.

The preface of John II’s letter states... "and making clear use of your well spoken words, by these present letters I say the following...", and the words of the Formula follow.

At the conclusion of the letter, John II said, "This profession I have signed with my own hand, and sent it in writing to you, Hormisdas... " [CSEL 35: 607-10]

I already mentioned how in 518 the people at the beginning of the celebration of the Divine Liturgy had insisted on John II to: "Let synodical letters go to Rome!" Synodical letters are professions of faith, or libelli, that are sent by a new patriarch to the other patriarchs. I believe that the council my opponent refers to is the one which came right after this huge protest by the people. The natural result of this situation was the imposition of the Formula.

The Formula of Pope Hormisdas ended the 35 year Acacian Schism[484-519]. Perhaps the impact of the events of this period of schism is not being realized. What kept this schism going for so long was the issue of accepting the communion of Monophysite sympathizer Acacius, Patriach of Constantinople[471-489]. Popes Simplicius[468-483], Felix III[483-492], Gelasius[492-496], Anastatius[496-498], and Symmachus[498-514] worked tirelessly to end this schism. All insisted on their right to condemn Acacius alone. No matter how close unity seemed to come at times it didn’t happen. As I already pointed out in my second rebuttal that unity did not come about until Pope Hormisdas[514-523] and his Formula.

Emperor Justinian, who is considered a saint by my opponent, was intimately involved in this "affair." Hoping to reconcile Monophysites and Catholics he arranged a conference at Constantinople in 532 to discuss their differences. The Monophysite bishops declared their conditions for reunion. The Monophysites wanted a condemnation of the Tome of Leo and the Council of Chalcedon and then added:

It is necessary to suppress the libelli of the Romans, which have been subscribed by all the bishops who now occupy episcopal sees. [PO 13: 194-5]

If anyone thought the Formula of Pope Hormisdas was a "sorry affair" it was not only the "enemy of the human race" but the Monophysites as well.

I mention again that the Formula was signed by 2500 clergy. And this is reported by the Roman deacon Rusticus who was in conflict with a Pope (Vigilius[537-555]).

Without providing documentation my opponent asserts in his rebuttal that the Formula was signed by most of the Eastern Bishops under duress. He then gives an example of a defiant Dorotheus. So was the situation one of defiance or duress?

Jerry’s Question #3

St. Theodore the Studite wrote to Pope Leo III[795-816]:

...O arch-shepherd of the church... save us now... For if they, usurping an authority which does not belong to them, have dared to convene a heretical council, whereas those who follow ancient custom do not even have the right of convening an orthodox one without your knowledge, it seems absolutely necessary, we dare to say to you, that your divine primacy should call together a lawful council, so that the Catholic dogma may drive out heresy and that your primacy may neither be anathematized by these new voices lacking authority...
It is in order to obey your divine authority as chief pastor that we have set forth these things as it befitted our nothingness... [PG 99: 1017-21]

St. Theodore wrote to Pope Paschal[817-824]:

... O apostolic head, divinely established shepherd of Christ’s sheep, doorkeeper of the heavenly kingdom, rock of the faith on which the Catholic Church has been built. For you are Peter-- you are the successor of Peter, whose throne you grace and direct... To you did Christ our God say, "When you have been converted, strengthen your brethren." Now is the time and the place: help us, you who have been established by God for that purpose... [PG 99: 1152-3]

Do you agree that St. Theodore believed the authority of the Pope was a Divine Rite? If not, why?